Time to get back to CHINA. The Chinese people deserve a post just to themselves. As a whole, they are some of the nicest people I've ever encountered. I "Ni hao ma" my way through the day and find myself more often then not being gawked at like I was literally just lasered down from some planet where tall, white, light-haired people roam free. One example (of I'm sure many that will follow), on Tuesday and Thursday mornings I get my pinyin Mandarin lessons on at the Coffee Bean near West Nanjing Road or Nanjing Xi Lu if you want to practice your Mandarin with me (about a 10 minute walk from our apartment). Coffee Bean's in China have embraced (thank god) Peppermint Lattes (50% off before 10am, the Chinese don't really get down with breakfast, or early mornings for that matter). Starbucks run amok over here like they do everywhere in America, but their "seasonal" flavors are a little less palatable then the ones I enjoy back stateside. I did however smuggle over a bottle of the Starbucks sugar-free Pepp syrup. To satisfy my craving I order skim Mocha Lattes, add my own syrup and TA-DA it's like I'm back on the corner of 51st and Park, just. like. that.
But I digress... sitting near the window finishing up my lesson Tuesday a gaggle of grandpa-ish age Chinese men walked by, stopped, stared then started waving/smiling (maybe laughing?) at me like I was Britney Spears circa her Oops! I Did it Again era. This behavior I've become accustomed to. My first trip here Anthony and I visited the Pearl Tower, an old TV-tower turned tourist attraction and a pretty famous Shanghai skyline staple. Minding my business and enjoying the view, I feel a tug at my elbow and before I know it I'm being pulled into a picture with a Chinese woman...then her husband... then one with her son.
Why not? |
A few more anecdotes for your enjoyment; while haggling for purses and other goodies over the weekend (can't post my loot yet since some of the people getting presents read this blog), Junny, one store owner, proceeded to tell me among other things, "I give you good price, I never give ugly girl this price." Welp, Junny you hook, line and sinkered me. Another one of my favorites "This your boyfriend? (gestures to Anthony) He SO lucky!" I know Junny, I know. Not that I'm a great haggler to begin with, I feel bad, or have a heart says AH (I did once give a bum $10 on a NYC street corner, that's a story for another time/day) but start throwing compliments my way and suddenly I stop my barter where I am. When getting a winter coat type deal made at the fabric market on Saturday (picking up it today, hunter green with pink lining!! will post pics later) the shop owner commented (after Anthony got her down to half her initial asking price) "Your boyfriend good bargain!" No, she didn't mean I paid a good price for him (which I in fact did), just that he haggles like a champ. Salesmen, go fig.
South Bund Fabric Market |
One other thing, the Chinese have no qualms about being (brutally, at times) honest. While I appreciate this no-nonsense attitude and chalk it up to them having no time to waste, check your ego at the door (or at Customs) if visiting Asia. For example, this morning at language lessons Jing sits down, takes me in in one quick glance and blurts out "You no make-up today?" (It's 8:30am people). Me: "...haha, nope." Jing: (quizzical) "... WHY not?" Me: (in my head -- I'm flipping tired, you can't do my lessons any later than this, I have no where to be when we're done here, instead I went with) "I'm uhh... going to the gym later..." That seemed to satisfy her, for the time being (I wasn't going to the gym, but felt an excuse of sorts was necessary). To further drive home my point, walking through one fake market, I gestured to a pair of wool-ish cropped pants, to which I was met with "those won't fit you" by the shop owner... alright, nvm, didn't really want to try them anyway.
Until next time (I'm going to go do some sit-ups, maybe a lap around the sofa)